Projekte, Trainings und Retreats
In our Stressreduction Leadership 5.0™ Training …you will learn through presentations as well with short exercises...Young Talents Program
Our Leadership 5.0™ offer for the Generation Y, the Young Talents for those who do not have any leadership experiences so...SwissGo
Kosmopolit Leadership Development supports financially weak Swiss citizens in their re-entry into the professional life through...Leadership Program
Our effective Leadership 5.0™ eight months program Leaders face more challenges today than ever before and the stakes are...Aktuelles - Blogbeiträge
...learn more about the Generation Y: see below the Interview with Gloria Samadhi...
Die 5 wichtigsten Gründe Lesezeit: 1 Minute Was sind eigentlich die 5...
Studien, Buch- und Videoempfehlungen